7 Disempowering Statements About Your Health

“I’ll start on Monday, next month, or January 1.” Why not start now? These days don't hold any special power over your ability to execute a wellness plan. You already know this because you've "started" on these days hundreds of time before and here you are making the same promise again.
“I can’t afford a personal trainer.” I understand that a personal trainer may not be in everyone's budget, but before making that determination, why not evaluate how much you're spending on eating out and mindless shopping. Once you've calculated how much you're spending on "wants" versus needs, ask yourself if you can shift your spending around. Is health a priority? If so, shift hiring a personal trainer into the priority category.
“I’ve tried everything and nothing works.” Yes it's true that you may have tried everything, but for how long? In order to see results, you need to commit to a program for longer than three days. In reality, most programs will probably lead to weight loss, but you need to adhere to them long enough to see the results.
“I eyeballed my food and stayed within the portions.” People often miscalculate what they’re eating and then blame lack of results on other things. Have you ever tried eyeballing peanut butter? Seeing what an actual serving size of peanut butter is is quite alarming. If your body isn’t changing and your hormones have been checked for abnormalities, it’s 99% likely your food intake that's stagnating your progress.
“My family and friends peer pressure me to eat junk food or be lazy.” While you can't control your family members or friends, you can choose how you respond to people and situations. Don't give your power away.
“I don't have time to exercise for hours every day.” Cool, neither do I. As a working mom, my workouts are between 20-40 minutes. Not only do I not have the extra time for longer workouts, but I also don't love spending that much time exercising anymore. Long workouts remind me of the days that I used to overcompensate for what I ate the day before. These days, exercise is a way to thank my body for its ability to move, not punish it.
“I know what I should be doing, I just need to start doing it.” While self-awareness is important, don't allow it to be an excuse for inaction. How long are you going to continue putting your life on hold? It’s you against you. While these are frequent statements I hear as a personal trainer, I'm curious to hear what your questions are. What are some lingering thoughts you have about fitness and nutrition?