How to Change Your Name after Getting Married

Congratulations, you’re married! Now for the dreaded task of changing all of your legal documents.
If you are changing your last name because you got married, you’ll need to get the following documents updated:
Social security card
Driver’s license
Bank documents (including any investment accounts)
Loan accounts (car, student loans, etc.)
Work documents
Here is a breakdown of what you need to get your new documents. It’s important to note that you need to pick up your original marriage license first before being able to proceed with your social security card and new ID/driver’s license.
Social Security Card
You need your original marriage certificate, your driver’s license, state issue ID, or U.S. passport, and a filled out SS-5 form. If your local office is open, you can take the documents there (try making an appointment first), or you can mail the documents to your local office. They will send you back your original documents and new social security card. My recommendation is to send your passport if you have one so that you’re not without a driver’s license.
Driver’s License
Once you have your new social security card, you can make an appointment at the DMV to get an updated driver’s license. You’ll need your marriage certificate, new social security card, and a filled out form with the DMV. Please note that if you live outside of California, the requirements for getting a new ID/driver's license may be different.
U.S. Passport
To get an updated passport, you need a new color passport photo, your original marriage certificate, your existing passport, Form DS-5504 and any applicable fees. You can renew by mail or make an appointment at your local field office.
Your original or certified name change document, such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order
One color passport photo
Other Accounts
Once you have your new driver’s license (or ID), you can change your name with your banking institutions, lenders, and employers. You’ll need to provide your new ID and oftentimes, your marriage certificate.
While the name changing process may seem tedious, it’s best to get these changes done soon after your wedding.